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Heat, consciousness and love are pointing in the right direction. Consciously or not, we are moving from the material to the immaterial.


Heat does not have a shape, a color or a weight. It belongs to the immaterial world. It also manifests itself in many ways at our level. Without heat, planet earth would only be a cold piece of rock. We could say that heat belongs to a level above us and manifests itself at our level.


You will find on the internet that:

"Despite centuries of analyses, definitions, explanations and debates by philosophers and scientists, consciousness remains puzzling and controversial, being at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives. Perhaps the only widely agreed notion about the topic is the intuition that it exists. Opinions differ about what exactly needs to be studied and explained as consciousness."

In short: We don't know!

We are surrounded by many things that we are not conscious of.

We become conscious of the world around us through our senses and they are limited. They give us a window on the world - a very narrow window. We go through life being conscious of the minimum necessity for our survival.

We don’t even know what is going on inside our own body. We don’t know all the chemistry necessary to digest a simple meal. We don’t know what happens eight hours a day, when we are asleep. We are conscious that consciousness is at the center of our life, but we don’t know where this center is. That should keep us humble.


There is even worse. Sometimes we are convinced that we are conscious of something when, in fact, we are not. Take “life” for instance. Plants can grow and change their shape. Could there be life in plants?

Without our sun there would not be any plant or animal or any human. The light we receive from the sun is more than wavelengths. It brings us heat. Could it also bring life?


Have you ever watched people being hypnotized? The hypnotist can make them conscious of being too cold or too hot or pedaling on a bicycle in the middle of the ocean. He has complete control. 

It seems that human consciousness comes in two parts. We have our “conscious mind” that relies on the messages received through our sense organs. It uses logic and looks for proof. We also have our “subconscious”. It does not need proof. It accepts everything sent to it. That could be compared with the crew of a ship. Above deck are people who look in the sky, select a route and make decisions. Below deck are people who control the machines and the rudder. If they are told to go in the direction of an iceberg, they will send the ship to the iceberg. (At least, that’s the way it was before computers controlled everything).


The hypnotist has a way to bypass the conscious mind

and get direct access to the subconscious.


What is interesting is the way hypnotists look at life in society. They say that we are hypnotizing ourselves between 60% and 70% of the time. We can be driving on the freeway and thinking about something else. We are on automatic pilot. Did you ever miss your turn off? Who was driving?

Go to a store and ask the clerk: "Do you have paint that can be used on an outside deck that is always in the shade?" Chances are that you will be asked to repeat the question. The clerk was on automatic pilot. He needed time to come back. Start by saying "Good morning. What a beautiful day" and he will understand your question the first time. What could be our motivation to hypnotize ourselves 60% of the time? Could life be more enjoyable on the other side? Would it be possible that we want to include in our time awake some possibilities that we have during our sleep?

Advertising can use “subliminal advertising”. They insert a very brief message into their video. The idea is to introduce in your subconscious some ideas that you are not even conscious of. This practice is banned in most countries (but is still legal in the US).

Do you want to make a horror movie? Imagine that the Martians know how to bypass human consciousness. They have us under control. They treat us like a herd.  They are using us like we use the cows. Sometimes they make humans fight one another and watch the fighting, just for fun, like we watch cock fighting. How could we blame them for treating the level below them like we are treating the level below us?


We should treat the levels below us like

we want to be treated by the level above us.

Let’s go back to the beginning of consciousness

It appeared on earth at different levels.

In the very simple organisms, consciousness is limited to the experience of eating when, by chance, they get in contact with food. They are only conscious of food. Life on earth is based on digestion. At the next level, we have organisms that move around looking for food. When they are hungry, they move. When they are not, they rest.


At a higher level, some organisms use sense organs such as smelling or hearing to guide their search. Consciousness increases gradually from the simpler organism to human beings.

Don't jump to conclusions. That does not mean that the more you eat, the more conscious you will be. It means that the simplest implementation of consciousness was related to the need for food. This level was followed by higher levels getting more and more sophisticated as we move from simple organisms to humans beings.


Don't jump to conclusions. That does not mean that the more you eat, the more conscious you will be. It means that the simplest implementation of consciousness was related to the need for food.


Robots and Artificial Intelligence could play an important role in our life. The difference between a robot and us is that we are conscious of what the robot is doing.

Judging people on their IQ may not be very smart.

We should also look at their level of consciousness.

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Love seems to originate from a very high level above us and percolate into many levels below it.

It does not have weight or shape. The way it manifests itself cannot be measured. Love is completely outside the material world. At the human level it manifests itself as a link between the souls and between the bodies. In animals it can be reduced to physical attraction.

We spend most of our life looking for love. We need help from another human being. This love for someone else can open the door for the love of the world and the universe. The sky is the limit. It is even possible that becoming completely conscious of love is more than human beings can bear.


There is a progression between Heat, Human consciousness and universal love. This is the general direction of human evolution. This is the general idea behind the purpose of our individual life.

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